Wednesday 25 May 2011

Why are Jakartan's so Obsessed with Malls?

As a normal sassy 16 year old, I am not going to lie, I LOVE MALLS. There is not weekend that I pass by without visiting the mall, lets admit it, mall is the coolest place a city could have. However my point in writing this post isn't to state my admiration to the malls. I am writing this just to criticizes the people of Jakarta about their obsession with the malls. People have built so many malls already that they have lost the cool image of mall it self. In fact, Jakarta has lost its cool and became the one of the hottest place I have visited. They are still building more mall even though the global warming have been sounded so loudly. Moreover, after watching a video in geography class, I found out that Jakarta is slowly going down.... literally. According to the IPPC, by 2025 Jakarta would be from 40 to 60 cm below the sea level, this means this city is sinking. Hopefully the Jakartans would do something to fix this before its too late.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this. They've lost their cool huh? Make sure your images are originals that you take.
